Monthly Archives: November 2022

Happiness and longevity

Longevity and happiness.

Happiness is the only thing that is the reason for longevity.
Longevity is directly proportional to happiness. Every outcome of happiness biological, chemical, and spiritual each supports every cell to renew, rejuvenate, revitalise, reenergise, and to heal catering and contributing to the body and mind’s vitality and thus its longevity.
Happiness and only happiness is the sole reason for longevity. So when you want to live long and you want to live healthy, do what makes you happy and do all & only that makes you happy. Find happiness. Look for happiness. Expect happiness. Understand and acknowledge happiness. This is the only task you will ever need to do. Understand, list, categorise, rate, and practice happiness. Allow your list to be edited, tweaked, changed, and evolve as what you understand about your happiness progresses and prospers. Happiness is counting, reiterating, and repeating your blessings. Look for the minute ones and count them, acknowledge them. Make it a habit. Put it in your schedule. Comprehend your version of happiness. Know and appreciate your happiness. Recognize your happiness. Be persistent and consistent in the exercise of happiness. Let the happiness expand and explore as you feel like it. Because it will both expand and explore into more areas of your life.
You have a unique life journey and you are different from your caregivers and influencers. Create your own happiness story, beliefs, and thought processes.
Happiness is associated with feeling good. Happiness brings a smile to your face and makes you laugh with ease and more frequently. You sleep well. You get better dreams. You live life in the present. You are more aware. Experiences you attract will have more and more happiness in them.
Happiness is in recapping and retelling your blessings. Speak of them (blessings) more often. When you can easily and more so when you are in a tough situation. In situations that are not so pleasant, shift your focus from them and give more energy to all that is pleasant, pleasing, and feels like a blessing and is ‘happiness.’ Suddenly and automatically your mind will take your attention to the blessings in the unpleasant situation too. Solutions reside in happiness. In case you are trying to solve something in a situation give this a try. Next time you are in a conundrum however small or big, apply this process.
So what happens in this process? There are two facts to this. Fact number one, the mind needs to be trained in the direction you require it to focus. Fact number two, when you have a solution of your liking you feel happy. So the final outcome is happiness. Therefore, you are training your mind in the direction of happiness. So your mind will search for solutions that are associated with your happiness. You will receive messages and guidance toward that. Here choose to take action and feel the magic in this process.
HOPE is en-route to happiness.
Happiness can feel something like encouragement, beneficial, uplifting, endearing, relief, soothing, calming, desirable, satisfaction, and like a win.
Cathy Goodman healed the cancer of her breast in three months, by being happy.
Centenarians are happy people.                      
Children are happiness incarnate before anyone had a chance to ‘curb their enthusiasm.’ They laugh at the silliest pretext, they let go with ease, and they move on willingly.
Pets (many of them) are happy animals.
Happiness is feeling hope. Happiness s feeling faith. Happiness is feeling fun. Happiness is feeling safe. Happiness is feeling happy more and more every moment of every day.
Create and write your own ‘happiness’ story.
Happiness inspires longevity. Happiness leads to longevity. Happiness is longevity.
Reena Yadav.
It’s A Deserving Life.